
Exotic Cars And Success

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Exotic Cars And Success: What Car Will I Buy At Each Level?

Have you ever dreamed of driving an exotic car? What would you drive if you could pick any car you wanted to? What does it say about you if you drive an exotic car?

Some people think it’s ok to drive a nice car.  Others say that it’s not.  What do you guys think?

Is It Ok To Be Wealthy And Drive Nice Cars?

To some people the idea of a person driving a $300,000 car is being selfish, self centered, or other much worse things.  They think that if you have $300,000 you should be giving the money to charity, church, or giving the money to others instead.

I think that part of their argument may be right, however, keep reading!

Karen and I have talked a lot about this and how we feel about it.  In our opinion it is completely ok to drive a nice, or even ridiculously nice car.  Many people that don’t like that people drive nice cars don’t see what the people are doing with the rest of their money, or time.

They don’t see how generous on a global level they are with their money or the people they help.  I can say that in my opinion it is completely situational.  It all depends on where a persons heart is.

Are The Rules Different For Rich People?

Last week someone Karen follows on Facebook who happens to be a Christian was slammed pretty hard for buying a nice, nearly $100,000 car.  She was picked apart by many of her followers for making a decision to reward herself for all of the hard work she has done over the past few years.

Because Karen has followed her for quite a while, I know that this woman is far from selfish.  In fact, she could probably afford a much, much more expensive car than the one that she bought!

Many Christian people especially seem to feel that the rules change regarding how much money you can spend on a car, or other nice things, the more money you make.

For instance, most Christians believe that you should tithe the first 10% of your income to church.  Then the rest of the money is yours.  But when people see someone buy an expensive car or toy, they tend to assume that the person buying the expensive toy isn’t tithing or generous with their money because if they were, they wouldn’t be able to afford a $100,000 car.

It seems that many of these people that are so quick to judge think it is ok for someone who makes $100,000 per year to buy a $40,000 car, but they don’t feel the same if they see someone else, such as the Facebook lady, buy a car worth $100,000 when the reality is she is probably making 10 to 20 times that per year.  Why is that a problem to them?

Limiting Beliefs On How Much Success Is Obtainable

I think it is a problem to them for a couple of reasons.  First, they don’t realize that the lady could actually be tithing more than 10%.  For all they know she could be tithing 30%, much more than the average person!

She just happens to make more than enough money to tithe 30% and still afford a $100,000 car.  So does this change some perspectives for people?  Think about it, the person making $100,000 tithes $10,000 to church or gives the same amount per year to charity.  The Facebook lady makes $1,000,000 per year.  She tithes 30% or $300,000 and buys a car for $100,000.

The $100,000 person spends 40% of their annual income on a car.  The Facebook lady spends 10% of her annual income on a car!  The $100,000 person tithes 10% of their income, the Facebook lady tithes 30% of her income.

The truth is, most people can’t wrap their head around the idea that it is possible for someone that is normal like them, to be able to make enough money to be able to tithe at least 10% and still afford a $100,000 car.

Also, unfortunately jealousy usually has something to do with it as well.  If you really think about it, if you are living in the U.S. and you have a car, you are actually incredibly rich by worldly standards.  So those same people that are judging about a $100,000 car, think it is ok to drive a $40,000 car, but in reality they are very rich as well and could be measured with the same harsh standards by the rest of the world…

Money Is Received Through Value Given

In the end I feel that everyone should be free to do with their money what they want.  After all they are the ones that earned it.  By definition, if you make money you must have rendered some type of valuable service to others to receive the money in the first place.  So actually earning money is a form of giving, as long as you aren’t earning it through unethical ways.

If everyone would stop concerning themselves with what others did with their money, and start focus on how they can provide more value to the world – financially and through other means, then much more value would be spread then being critical of others.

One last point I want to make is this, for many wildly successful people what you see is just a small portion of what they do.  For instance, buying an expensive car is the cream on top of the real goal.  The truth is many wildly successful people such as Tony Robbins have extremely large goals of helping 1 million people or a billion people.  The toy you see them buy is just a small token of the larger picture and not even their real goal.  Their real goal was to help 1 million people, but because they were so successful at helping people they were also rewarded with enough money to buy nice things, even though it wasn’t the main objective..

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To success beyond your wildest imagination!

– Matt & Karen Hale