You Become What You Think About Most Of The Time

You Become What You Think About Most Of The Time

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You Become What You Think About Most Of The Time

Hey, this is Matt with  Today, I want to shoot a video about You Become What You Think About Most of the Time.

[Video Transcript] I’m sure this concept is not new to you guys. Maybe you have seen the movie, ‘The Secret’ or you’ve read Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think and Grow Rich’. Or maybe you’ve gone through some of Earl Nightingale’s stuff which is where I heard this concept first.

I also heard it recently through Bob Proctor’s ‘6 Minutes To Success Program’. It really is in a lot of different materials, this concept of the law of attraction.  And also the concept that you become what you think about most of the time.

The Problem: How To Actually Think Positive Thoughts?

The real question is “How do we implement it and why do we struggle to implement this way of thinking?”

We all have good intentions and want to think about what it is that we want to become. And we want to focus on the positives, and forget the negative stuff. But many of us do struggle. I do from time to time.

What I’ve figured out though is that it’s not enough to watch a video or to read a book or to hear it in a course, and to hope that you think about what you want to become.

You have to map out a plan to make that happen, and you have to use all of the resources available to you. Sometimes you need to use more than one resource at a time to get to where you want to go.

How To Actually Think About What You Want In Life

I’m going to mention a few of the resources that I think can help you to think about what you want to become.  Hopefully, this helps you make the transition to thinking about what you want to become.  And forgetting a lot of the other negative stuff.

Of course, we all have negative circumstances and problems that come into our life that require some attention from time to time. But the goal is to think about those problems as minimally as possible.  And to focus ourselves on where we want to go, and who we want to become.

If we can do that, we are going to get closer to where we want to be all the time.  Every day we wake up, the goals will get a little bit closer.  What we want to accomplish, and what we want to provide to the world will be closer as well.

How do I suggest you go about doing this?

I’m going to name off a few things. Maybe these are things you’ve already heard about. But that doesn’t mean they won’t work.

Consider this.  Maybe you haven’t applied yourself a hundred percent to it. Maybe you dabbled with it a little bit, but you didn’t really commit to making it a priority in your life.

I’m sure you’ve heard some of these but revisit them.  And think about possibly reimplementing them in your life by committing 100 percent.

Using Vision Boards To Think Positively

One of the things that you can use is a vision board. You can create a vision board, hang it up on your wall, and every single day when you walk by it, your eyes are going to be drawn to your vision board.

When you look at your vision board, try to feel like you already have the things that you want. Try to bring up the emotions as if you’re already the person in your vision board that you desire to become.  Doing that can be a really powerful tool that you can use every single day.

One of the things I like to do with my vision board is to look at it when I’m brushing my teeth. What else can you be doing when you’re brushing your teeth?

The great thing is, if you’re like me, you brush your teeth three times a day.  And you also might have a little timer on your toothbrush like I do.  The toothbrush timer wants you to brush your teeth for two minutes.

So you can spend those two minutes feeling the thoughts of becoming who you want to be.  By really looking at each picture and feeling as if you’re already there, you will feel as though you already have accomplished what you want.

Use that time wisely because if you brush your teeth three times a day at two minutes each time, that’s six minutes a day that you could be focusing on what you want and forgetting what you don’t want.

Journaling: One Of My Favorite Ways To Focus My Thoughts On Success

Another thing that you can do that’s really helpful for thinking about what you want is journaling.

You can take out three pieces of paper and say “Today, I’m going to write three pages acting as if I’m the person who I want to become. I’m going to focus on who I want to be. I will speak it into existence, and I’m going to write all three pages”.

You don’t have to save the pages. You can rip them off and throw them away. Or you can write it on a computer file and keep it. It’s really up to you, but this can be a really beneficial way of focusing on what you want to become.

Combining Writing Your Goals Down And Affirmations

Another thing you can do and I’m sure a lot of you already do this is writing your goals down. But you can write your goals every day and you can turn them into affirmations.

By combining your goal with an affirmation it is very powerful. Write it, and then you can also say it every single day.

Meditation To Become Aware Of Your Thoughts

Now, beyond that, there are other things that you can do such as meditation.

You can incorporate meditation in your life, and it doesn’t have to be 30 minutes of meditation. You don’t have to actually meditate on what you’re trying to become either.

Meditation is different in the sense that the goal when doing meditation is to not be thinking a lot while you’re doing it. The goal is to become more present and more aware of your surroundings.

If you can get better at being more present and more aware of your surroundings, it will help you to be more disciplined when negative thoughts or problems are trying to vie for your mental time.

When you’re focusing a lot on your problems and negativity in your life, instead of focusing on where you want to go, then your brain is going to use its built-in servo-mechanism to solve that problem.

It’s going to solve the problem of “How do I pay this month’s bills or how do I deal with this negative issue right here?”

It’s not going to solve the greater problem of “How do I get to where I want to go or who I want to become?”, so yes, you have to focus a little on the problem, but you want to have the self-discipline to focus on what you want most of the time.

You can spend a small amount of time focusing on your problems, but then, through meditation, you can become more aware of your thoughts and be more present. And you can get better at turning away negative thoughts, and then refocusing yourself on positive things.

Visualization/Motivation Videos To Picture What You Want

Another thing you can do is visualization. Visualization can be used many different ways. My favorite way to do it is to go to YouTube and search for different visualization/motivation type of videos that show people living a cool lifestyle, and doing the things I want to be doing.

Watching those videos can be such a surreal experience if you really focus on them and watch them over and over again.

You will start feeling as if you are that person or you can easily become that person. And this helps your mind to focus on being similar to that person, instead of focusing on what you don’t what.

Pick Two Success Tools And Do Them For Three Weeks!

Hopefully, that really helps you guys. These are some really awesome tools to help you to focus on what you want to become.

I would say to pick at least two or three of them that you want to start out with. Then make it a commitment to do them every day.

If you don’t do them one day, the next day re-commit yourself, but don’t stop. Keep doing it. If you continually do that for a while, you’re going to see that it’s much easier to focus on who you want to become then you might think.

If you haven’t already, please feel free to check out this other recent post that is about the law of attraction titled: “The Law Of Attraction Explained

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Thanks again, I truly hope you become what you think about!  Just make sure to think about the right things!

Have a fantastic day!