take action in your life

Take Action In Your Life – Stop Wasting Time And Get Focused!

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Take Action In Your Life – Stop Wasting Time And Get Focused!

Hey, it’s Matt with operationawesomelife.com. Today’s video topic is “Take Action In Your Life – Stop Wasting Time And Get Focused”. You guys are going to be excited to hear what I have to say in this video.  It is going to help you change your life, and more importantly, get you to take action, get focused, and stop wasting time.

Stop Wasting Time And Get Focused

[Video Transcript] Let’s start off by talking about why people waste time in the first place. Why people get out of focus?  And why they don’t taking action when they want to take action?

It’s a huge problem when you are not acting on what you learn.  I would say more people than not, don’t take any action on what they learn. They know what to do. They’ve heard it five different ways, and yet, no matter what, they find themselves not taking action.

Even though they know they should be taking action, they sit in front of the TV scrolling through the channels and not getting closer to what they want in their life.  And at the end of the day, they end up feeling worse because not only did they not take any action, they lost our most valuable resource, time.

They wasted time all day long and didn’t do one thing to move towards their goal. That’s really discouraging and frustrating.  We all have a limited amount of time on this Earth. No one wants to frivolously waste it and spend it on things that aren’t improving the quality of their life or making it more fulfilled in some way.

I’m assuming that since you have found this video, you, in fact, do want to take action. You don’t want to be wasting time, and you want to get focused.

I’m going to do the best job I possibly can to help you make those things a reality in your life.  I’m going to do this by sharing with you what I have found to really work well for me.

Take Massive Action Implementing What You Learn

Often times people get really excited about a new course, and they buy this course. It’s filled with 10 modules. They’re really pumped because there is so much content.  So much valuable content for them to learn.

They become this content-consuming master, and all day long, they watch these videos and they analyze them, and they may even take notes on the videos, but they never take any action!

Their goal becomes to consume all of the training.  Watch all of the videos.  And go through whatever is in the course.  But they don’t put any emphasis on the “action” part of it.

The same thing goes for people that get really excited about going to a seminar.  They go to a really nice expensive seminar.  Listen to all 10 amazing speakers on stage.  Each of them has incredible amounts of knowledge.  They’re dropping tons of information they’re so pumped, so excited about it. They listen intently and take notes like crazy.  But after that, nothing!  They don’t actually apply any of the information that was learned from these incredible resources.

Another example is people that get really, really excited about a new book. They’re so excited about this new book so they go to Barnes and Noble as fast as possible. They purchase this book.  Come home and they start reading it right away.

They’re consuming the information as fast as humanly possible. They’re not concerned with applying it at this point. They figure, “I’ll apply it later.  My goal right now is just to read this book as fast as I possibly can to get all this knowledge, techniques, and tips.”.

They read 50 pages of the book the first day.  The second day, they notch it up a little. They read 75 pages. The third day, they say, “You know what? I’m going to finish this book today and it’s going to change my life.”

They read the book as fast as they can and they succeed greatly at consuming the information. They consume this entire book really fast.

Learning Without Action Is Just Entertainment

Unfortunately, they don’t apply any of the knowledge they learned.  The valuable tips and techniques within the book may be life changing, but until we actually take action implementing them, it’s useless. It’s just entertainment.

If we buy a course, no matter how good the course is, if we go to a seminar, no matter how good it is, or if we buy a book, no matter how good it is, if we don’t take action and use the knowledge we consumed, we won’t experience any of the benefits from the course, seminar, or book.

How do we do this? What is the best way to get focused, quit wasting time, apply everything we learn, and take massive action?

Learning Less, To Take Action In Your Life?

I think this is going to be helpful for you guys because it has really helped me change my mindset, thinking, and focus.  I have changed in that the goal used to be to “finish consuming the knowledge” as fast as possible to “apply the knowledge” as much as possible.

It would be better for me to read one-half of the book than the full book. Let me explain.  If I read half of the book and I apply everything I learn in the first half of the book I would be guaranteed results.  It would be better for me to take a course to go through half of the modules, but apply every one of them than for me to consume every module within the course and not apply any of it.  I have real world experience backing that up.

I have taken courses, and I haven’t even finished some of them.  But the thing is, I’ve had success with them because I took action. I wasn’t as concerned about finishing the course as I was about actually putting what I learned into action.

How To Take Action In Your Life From Now On!

My tip and advice for you guys, if you want to learn to take more action on what you’re learning, is to slow down your consumption and start applying the littlest things into your life.

You might only start with reading one page.  But if you take everything you learned from that one page and start to ask yourself a very important question.  “How can I apply this to my life to make it get better from the information I just read on that one page?” The same goes with seminars or with courses that you take.

If you take a course, yeah, it’s important to continually move forward and to continue to fail fast and to move through the course as fast as you possibly can.  But nothing will change until you actually put the information to work and take action.  Hopefully, that makes sense.

I’ve loved shooting this video and telling you guys about how to take action in your life.  How to stop wasting time.  And get results with the information that you’re digesting.

I hope you guys have enjoyed this “Take Action In Your Life – Stop Wasting Time And Get Focused!” video blog post.

Check out another post I did on “Tracking For Results” here

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Also, another great resource that may help you on this subject is Tony Robbins.  Karen and I went to his UPW event a few years ago and it was life changing.

Once again, thank you so much for your support and for reading this post onTake Action In Your Life – Stop Wasting Time And Get Focused!

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Have an incredible day!